// Copyright 2016 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package ld import ( "cmd/internal/objabi" "cmd/link/internal/loader" "cmd/link/internal/sym" "sort" ) type byTypeStr []typelinkSortKey type typelinkSortKey struct { TypeStr string Type loader.Sym } func (s byTypeStr) Less(i, j int) bool { return s[i].TypeStr < s[j].TypeStr } func (s byTypeStr) Len() int { return len(s) } func (s byTypeStr) Swap(i, j int) { s[i], s[j] = s[j], s[i] } // typelink generates the typelink table which is used by reflect.typelinks(). // Types that should be added to the typelinks table are marked with the // MakeTypelink attribute by the compiler. func (ctxt *Link) typelink() { ldr := ctxt.loader typelinks := byTypeStr{} var itabs []loader.Sym for s := loader.Sym(1); s < loader.Sym(ldr.NSym()); s++ { if !ldr.AttrReachable(s) { continue } if ldr.IsTypelink(s) { typelinks = append(typelinks, typelinkSortKey{decodetypeStr(ldr, ctxt.Arch, s), s}) } else if ldr.IsItab(s) { itabs = append(itabs, s) } } sort.Sort(typelinks) tl := ldr.CreateSymForUpdate("runtime.typelink", 0) tl.SetType(sym.STYPELINK) ldr.SetAttrLocal(tl.Sym(), true) tl.SetSize(int64(4 * len(typelinks))) tl.Grow(tl.Size()) relocs := tl.AddRelocs(len(typelinks)) for i, s := range typelinks { r := relocs.At(i) r.SetSym(s.Type) r.SetOff(int32(i * 4)) r.SetSiz(4) r.SetType(objabi.R_ADDROFF) } ptrsize := ctxt.Arch.PtrSize il := ldr.CreateSymForUpdate("runtime.itablink", 0) il.SetType(sym.SITABLINK) ldr.SetAttrLocal(il.Sym(), true) il.SetSize(int64(ptrsize * len(itabs))) il.Grow(il.Size()) relocs = il.AddRelocs(len(itabs)) for i, s := range itabs { r := relocs.At(i) r.SetSym(s) r.SetOff(int32(i * ptrsize)) r.SetSiz(uint8(ptrsize)) r.SetType(objabi.R_ADDR) } }