// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package resolution type List /* =@List */ [E /* =@E */ any] []E // @E type Pair /* =@Pair */ [L /* =@L */, R /* =@R */ any] struct { Left /* =@Left */ L // @L Right /* =@Right */ R // @R L /* =@Lfield */ int } var _ = Pair /* @Pair */ [int, string]{} type Addable /* =@Addable */ interface { type int64, float64 } func Add /* =@AddDecl */[T /* =@T */ Addable /* @Addable */](l /* =@l */, r /* =@r */ T /* @T */) T /* @T */ { var t /* =@t */ T /* @T */ return l /* @l */ + r /* @r */ + t /* @t */ } type Receiver /* =@Receiver */[P /* =@P */ any] struct {} // TODO(rFindley): make a decision on how/whether to resolve identifiers that // refer to receiver type parameters, as is the case for the 'P' result // parameter below. func (r /* =@recv */ Receiver /* @Receiver */ [P]) m() P {} func f /* =@f */[T1 /* =@T1 */ interface{type []T2 /* @T2 */}, T2 /* =@T2 */ any]( x /* =@x */ T1 /* @T1 */, T1 /* =@T1_duplicate */ y, // Note that this is a bug: // the duplicate T1 should // not be allowed. ){ // Note that duplicate short var declarations resolve to their alt declaration. x /* @x */ := 0 y /* =@y */ := 0 T1 /* @T1 */ := 0 var t1var /* =@t1var */ T1 /* @T1 */ }