// Copyright 2021 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. //go:build !typeparams // +build !typeparams package types import "go/ast" // Info holds result type information for a type-checked package. // Only the information for which a map is provided is collected. // If the package has type errors, the collected information may // be incomplete. type Info struct { // Types maps expressions to their types, and for constant // expressions, also their values. Invalid expressions are // omitted. // // For (possibly parenthesized) identifiers denoting built-in // functions, the recorded signatures are call-site specific: // if the call result is not a constant, the recorded type is // an argument-specific signature. Otherwise, the recorded type // is invalid. // // The Types map does not record the type of every identifier, // only those that appear where an arbitrary expression is // permitted. For instance, the identifier f in a selector // expression x.f is found only in the Selections map, the // identifier z in a variable declaration 'var z int' is found // only in the Defs map, and identifiers denoting packages in // qualified identifiers are collected in the Uses map. Types map[ast.Expr]TypeAndValue // Defs maps identifiers to the objects they define (including // package names, dots "." of dot-imports, and blank "_" identifiers). // For identifiers that do not denote objects (e.g., the package name // in package clauses, or symbolic variables t in t := x.(type) of // type switch headers), the corresponding objects are nil. // // For an embedded field, Defs returns the field *Var it defines. // // Invariant: Defs[id] == nil || Defs[id].Pos() == id.Pos() Defs map[*ast.Ident]Object // Uses maps identifiers to the objects they denote. // // For an embedded field, Uses returns the *TypeName it denotes. // // Invariant: Uses[id].Pos() != id.Pos() Uses map[*ast.Ident]Object // Implicits maps nodes to their implicitly declared objects, if any. // The following node and object types may appear: // // node declared object // // *ast.ImportSpec *PkgName for imports without renames // *ast.CaseClause type-specific *Var for each type switch case clause (incl. default) // *ast.Field anonymous parameter *Var (incl. unnamed results) // Implicits map[ast.Node]Object // Selections maps selector expressions (excluding qualified identifiers) // to their corresponding selections. Selections map[*ast.SelectorExpr]*Selection // Scopes maps ast.Nodes to the scopes they define. Package scopes are not // associated with a specific node but with all files belonging to a package. // Thus, the package scope can be found in the type-checked Package object. // Scopes nest, with the Universe scope being the outermost scope, enclosing // the package scope, which contains (one or more) files scopes, which enclose // function scopes which in turn enclose statement and function literal scopes. // Note that even though package-level functions are declared in the package // scope, the function scopes are embedded in the file scope of the file // containing the function declaration. // // The following node types may appear in Scopes: // // *ast.File // *ast.FuncType // *ast.BlockStmt // *ast.IfStmt // *ast.SwitchStmt // *ast.TypeSwitchStmt // *ast.CaseClause // *ast.CommClause // *ast.ForStmt // *ast.RangeStmt // Scopes map[ast.Node]*Scope // InitOrder is the list of package-level initializers in the order in which // they must be executed. Initializers referring to variables related by an // initialization dependency appear in topological order, the others appear // in source order. Variables without an initialization expression do not // appear in this list. InitOrder []*Initializer } func getInferred(info *Info) map[ast.Expr]_Inferred { return nil }