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Text file src/runtime/rt0_openbsd_arm64.s

Documentation: runtime

     1  // Copyright 2019 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
     2  // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
     3  // license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
     5  #include "textflag.h"
     7  // See comment in runtime/sys_openbsd_arm64.s re this construction.
     8  #define	INVOKE_SYSCALL	\
     9  	SVC;		\
    10  	NOOP;		\
    11  	NOOP
    13  TEXT _rt0_arm64_openbsd(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0
    14  	MOVD	0(RSP), R0	// argc
    15  	ADD	$8, RSP, R1	// argv
    16  	BL	main(SB)
    18  // When building with -buildmode=c-shared, this symbol is called when the shared
    19  // library is loaded.
    20  TEXT _rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib(SB),NOSPLIT,$184
    21  	// Preserve callee-save registers.
    22  	MOVD R19, 24(RSP)
    23  	MOVD R20, 32(RSP)
    24  	MOVD R21, 40(RSP)
    25  	MOVD R22, 48(RSP)
    26  	MOVD R23, 56(RSP)
    27  	MOVD R24, 64(RSP)
    28  	MOVD R25, 72(RSP)
    29  	MOVD R26, 80(RSP)
    30  	MOVD R27, 88(RSP)
    31  	FMOVD F8, 96(RSP)
    32  	FMOVD F9, 104(RSP)
    33  	FMOVD F10, 112(RSP)
    34  	FMOVD F11, 120(RSP)
    35  	FMOVD F12, 128(RSP)
    36  	FMOVD F13, 136(RSP)
    37  	FMOVD F14, 144(RSP)
    38  	FMOVD F15, 152(RSP)
    39  	MOVD g, 160(RSP)
    41  	// Initialize g as null in case of using g later e.g. sigaction in cgo_sigaction.go
    42  	MOVD	ZR, g
    44  	MOVD	R0, _rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_argc<>(SB)
    45  	MOVD	R1, _rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_argv<>(SB)
    47  	// Synchronous initialization.
    48  	MOVD	$runtime·libpreinit(SB), R4
    49  	BL	(R4)
    51  	// Create a new thread to do the runtime initialization and return.
    52  	MOVD	_cgo_sys_thread_create(SB), R4
    53  	CBZ	R4, nocgo
    54  	MOVD	$_rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_go(SB), R0
    55  	MOVD	$0, R1
    56  	SUB	$16, RSP		// reserve 16 bytes for sp-8 where fp may be saved.
    57  	BL	(R4)
    58  	ADD	$16, RSP
    59  	B	restore
    61  nocgo:
    62  	MOVD	$0x800000, R0                     // stacksize = 8192KB
    63  	MOVD	$_rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_go(SB), R1
    64  	MOVD	R0, 8(RSP)
    65  	MOVD	R1, 16(RSP)
    66  	MOVD	$runtime·newosproc0(SB),R4
    67  	BL	(R4)
    69  restore:
    70  	// Restore callee-save registers.
    71  	MOVD 24(RSP), R19
    72  	MOVD 32(RSP), R20
    73  	MOVD 40(RSP), R21
    74  	MOVD 48(RSP), R22
    75  	MOVD 56(RSP), R23
    76  	MOVD 64(RSP), R24
    77  	MOVD 72(RSP), R25
    78  	MOVD 80(RSP), R26
    79  	MOVD 88(RSP), R27
    80  	FMOVD 96(RSP), F8
    81  	FMOVD 104(RSP), F9
    82  	FMOVD 112(RSP), F10
    83  	FMOVD 120(RSP), F11
    84  	FMOVD 128(RSP), F12
    85  	FMOVD 136(RSP), F13
    86  	FMOVD 144(RSP), F14
    87  	FMOVD 152(RSP), F15
    88  	MOVD 160(RSP), g
    89  	RET
    91  TEXT _rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_go(SB),NOSPLIT,$0
    92  	MOVD	_rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_argc<>(SB), R0
    93  	MOVD	_rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_argv<>(SB), R1
    94  	MOVD	$runtime·rt0_go(SB),R4
    95  	B       (R4)
    97  DATA _rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_argc<>(SB)/8, $0
    98  GLOBL _rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_argc<>(SB),NOPTR, $8
    99  DATA _rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_argv<>(SB)/8, $0
   100  GLOBL _rt0_arm64_openbsd_lib_argv<>(SB),NOPTR, $8
   103  TEXT main(SB),NOSPLIT|NOFRAME,$0
   104  	MOVD	$runtime·rt0_go(SB), R2
   105  	BL	(R2)
   106  exit:
   107  	MOVD	$0, R0
   108  	MOVD	$1, R8		// sys_exit
   110  	B	exit

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