// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // +build js,wasm // Package js gives access to the WebAssembly host environment when using the js/wasm architecture. // Its API is based on JavaScript semantics. // // This package is EXPERIMENTAL. Its current scope is only to allow tests to run, but not yet to provide a // comprehensive API for users. It is exempt from the Go compatibility promise. package js import ( "runtime" "unsafe" ) // ref is used to identify a JavaScript value, since the value itself can not be passed to WebAssembly. // // The JavaScript value "undefined" is represented by the value 0. // A JavaScript number (64-bit float, except 0 and NaN) is represented by its IEEE 754 binary representation. // All other values are represented as an IEEE 754 binary representation of NaN with bits 0-31 used as // an ID and bits 32-34 used to differentiate between string, symbol, function and object. type ref uint64 // nanHead are the upper 32 bits of a ref which are set if the value is not encoded as an IEEE 754 number (see above). const nanHead = 0x7FF80000 // Wrapper is implemented by types that are backed by a JavaScript value. type Wrapper interface { // JSValue returns a JavaScript value associated with an object. JSValue() Value } // Value represents a JavaScript value. The zero value is the JavaScript value "undefined". // Values can be checked for equality with the Equal method. type Value struct { _ [0]func() // uncomparable; to make == not compile ref ref // identifies a JavaScript value, see ref type gcPtr *ref // used to trigger the finalizer when the Value is not referenced any more } const ( // the type flags need to be in sync with wasm_exec.js typeFlagNone = iota typeFlagObject typeFlagString typeFlagSymbol typeFlagFunction ) // JSValue implements Wrapper interface. func (v Value) JSValue() Value { return v } func makeValue(r ref) Value { var gcPtr *ref typeFlag := (r >> 32) & 7 if (r>>32)&nanHead == nanHead && typeFlag != typeFlagNone { gcPtr = new(ref) *gcPtr = r runtime.SetFinalizer(gcPtr, func(p *ref) { finalizeRef(*p) }) } return Value{ref: r, gcPtr: gcPtr} } func finalizeRef(r ref) func predefValue(id uint32, typeFlag byte) Value { return Value{ref: (nanHead|ref(typeFlag))<<32 | ref(id)} } func floatValue(f float64) Value { if f == 0 { return valueZero } if f != f { return valueNaN } return Value{ref: *(*ref)(unsafe.Pointer(&f))} } // Error wraps a JavaScript error. type Error struct { // Value is the underlying JavaScript error value. Value } // Error implements the error interface. func (e Error) Error() string { return "JavaScript error: " + e.Get("message").String() } var ( valueUndefined = Value{ref: 0} valueNaN = predefValue(0, typeFlagNone) valueZero = predefValue(1, typeFlagNone) valueNull = predefValue(2, typeFlagNone) valueTrue = predefValue(3, typeFlagNone) valueFalse = predefValue(4, typeFlagNone) valueGlobal = predefValue(5, typeFlagObject) jsGo = predefValue(6, typeFlagObject) // instance of the Go class in JavaScript objectConstructor = valueGlobal.Get("Object") arrayConstructor = valueGlobal.Get("Array") ) // Equal reports whether v and w are equal according to JavaScript's === operator. func (v Value) Equal(w Value) bool { return v.ref == w.ref && v.ref != valueNaN.ref } // Undefined returns the JavaScript value "undefined". func Undefined() Value { return valueUndefined } // IsUndefined reports whether v is the JavaScript value "undefined". func (v Value) IsUndefined() bool { return v.ref == valueUndefined.ref } // Null returns the JavaScript value "null". func Null() Value { return valueNull } // IsNull reports whether v is the JavaScript value "null". func (v Value) IsNull() bool { return v.ref == valueNull.ref } // IsNaN reports whether v is the JavaScript value "NaN". func (v Value) IsNaN() bool { return v.ref == valueNaN.ref } // Global returns the JavaScript global object, usually "window" or "global". func Global() Value { return valueGlobal } // ValueOf returns x as a JavaScript value: // // | Go | JavaScript | // | ---------------------- | ---------------------- | // | js.Value | [its value] | // | js.Func | function | // | nil | null | // | bool | boolean | // | integers and floats | number | // | string | string | // | []interface{} | new array | // | map[string]interface{} | new object | // // Panics if x is not one of the expected types. func ValueOf(x interface{}) Value { switch x := x.(type) { case Value: // should precede Wrapper to avoid a loop return x case Wrapper: return x.JSValue() case nil: return valueNull case bool: if x { return valueTrue } else { return valueFalse } case int: return floatValue(float64(x)) case int8: return floatValue(float64(x)) case int16: return floatValue(float64(x)) case int32: return floatValue(float64(x)) case int64: return floatValue(float64(x)) case uint: return floatValue(float64(x)) case uint8: return floatValue(float64(x)) case uint16: return floatValue(float64(x)) case uint32: return floatValue(float64(x)) case uint64: return floatValue(float64(x)) case uintptr: return floatValue(float64(x)) case unsafe.Pointer: return floatValue(float64(uintptr(x))) case float32: return floatValue(float64(x)) case float64: return floatValue(x) case string: return makeValue(stringVal(x)) case []interface{}: a := arrayConstructor.New(len(x)) for i, s := range x { a.SetIndex(i, s) } return a case map[string]interface{}: o := objectConstructor.New() for k, v := range x { o.Set(k, v) } return o default: panic("ValueOf: invalid value") } } func stringVal(x string) ref // Type represents the JavaScript type of a Value. type Type int const ( TypeUndefined Type = iota TypeNull TypeBoolean TypeNumber TypeString TypeSymbol TypeObject TypeFunction ) func (t Type) String() string { switch t { case TypeUndefined: return "undefined" case TypeNull: return "null" case TypeBoolean: return "boolean" case TypeNumber: return "number" case TypeString: return "string" case TypeSymbol: return "symbol" case TypeObject: return "object" case TypeFunction: return "function" default: panic("bad type") } } func (t Type) isObject() bool { return t == TypeObject || t == TypeFunction } // Type returns the JavaScript type of the value v. It is similar to JavaScript's typeof operator, // except that it returns TypeNull instead of TypeObject for null. func (v Value) Type() Type { switch v.ref { case valueUndefined.ref: return TypeUndefined case valueNull.ref: return TypeNull case valueTrue.ref, valueFalse.ref: return TypeBoolean } if v.isNumber() { return TypeNumber } typeFlag := (v.ref >> 32) & 7 switch typeFlag { case typeFlagObject: return TypeObject case typeFlagString: return TypeString case typeFlagSymbol: return TypeSymbol case typeFlagFunction: return TypeFunction default: panic("bad type flag") } } // Get returns the JavaScript property p of value v. // It panics if v is not a JavaScript object. func (v Value) Get(p string) Value { if vType := v.Type(); !vType.isObject() { panic(&ValueError{"Value.Get", vType}) } r := makeValue(valueGet(v.ref, p)) runtime.KeepAlive(v) return r } func valueGet(v ref, p string) ref // Set sets the JavaScript property p of value v to ValueOf(x). // It panics if v is not a JavaScript object. func (v Value) Set(p string, x interface{}) { if vType := v.Type(); !vType.isObject() { panic(&ValueError{"Value.Set", vType}) } xv := ValueOf(x) valueSet(v.ref, p, xv.ref) runtime.KeepAlive(v) runtime.KeepAlive(xv) } func valueSet(v ref, p string, x ref) // Delete deletes the JavaScript property p of value v. // It panics if v is not a JavaScript object. func (v Value) Delete(p string) { if vType := v.Type(); !vType.isObject() { panic(&ValueError{"Value.Delete", vType}) } valueDelete(v.ref, p) runtime.KeepAlive(v) } func valueDelete(v ref, p string) // Index returns JavaScript index i of value v. // It panics if v is not a JavaScript object. func (v Value) Index(i int) Value { if vType := v.Type(); !vType.isObject() { panic(&ValueError{"Value.Index", vType}) } r := makeValue(valueIndex(v.ref, i)) runtime.KeepAlive(v) return r } func valueIndex(v ref, i int) ref // SetIndex sets the JavaScript index i of value v to ValueOf(x). // It panics if v is not a JavaScript object. func (v Value) SetIndex(i int, x interface{}) { if vType := v.Type(); !vType.isObject() { panic(&ValueError{"Value.SetIndex", vType}) } xv := ValueOf(x) valueSetIndex(v.ref, i, xv.ref) runtime.KeepAlive(v) runtime.KeepAlive(xv) } func valueSetIndex(v ref, i int, x ref) func makeArgs(args []interface{}) ([]Value, []ref) { argVals := make([]Value, len(args)) argRefs := make([]ref, len(args)) for i, arg := range args { v := ValueOf(arg) argVals[i] = v argRefs[i] = v.ref } return argVals, argRefs } // Length returns the JavaScript property "length" of v. // It panics if v is not a JavaScript object. func (v Value) Length() int { if vType := v.Type(); !vType.isObject() { panic(&ValueError{"Value.SetIndex", vType}) } r := valueLength(v.ref) runtime.KeepAlive(v) return r } func valueLength(v ref) int // Call does a JavaScript call to the method m of value v with the given arguments. // It panics if v has no method m. // The arguments get mapped to JavaScript values according to the ValueOf function. func (v Value) Call(m string, args ...interface{}) Value { argVals, argRefs := makeArgs(args) res, ok := valueCall(v.ref, m, argRefs) runtime.KeepAlive(v) runtime.KeepAlive(argVals) if !ok { if vType := v.Type(); !vType.isObject() { // check here to avoid overhead in success case panic(&ValueError{"Value.Call", vType}) } if propType := v.Get(m).Type(); propType != TypeFunction { panic("syscall/js: Value.Call: property " + m + " is not a function, got " + propType.String()) } panic(Error{makeValue(res)}) } return makeValue(res) } func valueCall(v ref, m string, args []ref) (ref, bool) // Invoke does a JavaScript call of the value v with the given arguments. // It panics if v is not a JavaScript function. // The arguments get mapped to JavaScript values according to the ValueOf function. func (v Value) Invoke(args ...interface{}) Value { argVals, argRefs := makeArgs(args) res, ok := valueInvoke(v.ref, argRefs) runtime.KeepAlive(v) runtime.KeepAlive(argVals) if !ok { if vType := v.Type(); vType != TypeFunction { // check here to avoid overhead in success case panic(&ValueError{"Value.Invoke", vType}) } panic(Error{makeValue(res)}) } return makeValue(res) } func valueInvoke(v ref, args []ref) (ref, bool) // New uses JavaScript's "new" operator with value v as constructor and the given arguments. // It panics if v is not a JavaScript function. // The arguments get mapped to JavaScript values according to the ValueOf function. func (v Value) New(args ...interface{}) Value { argVals, argRefs := makeArgs(args) res, ok := valueNew(v.ref, argRefs) runtime.KeepAlive(v) runtime.KeepAlive(argVals) if !ok { if vType := v.Type(); vType != TypeFunction { // check here to avoid overhead in success case panic(&ValueError{"Value.Invoke", vType}) } panic(Error{makeValue(res)}) } return makeValue(res) } func valueNew(v ref, args []ref) (ref, bool) func (v Value) isNumber() bool { return v.ref == valueZero.ref || v.ref == valueNaN.ref || (v.ref != valueUndefined.ref && (v.ref>>32)&nanHead != nanHead) } func (v Value) float(method string) float64 { if !v.isNumber() { panic(&ValueError{method, v.Type()}) } if v.ref == valueZero.ref { return 0 } return *(*float64)(unsafe.Pointer(&v.ref)) } // Float returns the value v as a float64. // It panics if v is not a JavaScript number. func (v Value) Float() float64 { return v.float("Value.Float") } // Int returns the value v truncated to an int. // It panics if v is not a JavaScript number. func (v Value) Int() int { return int(v.float("Value.Int")) } // Bool returns the value v as a bool. // It panics if v is not a JavaScript boolean. func (v Value) Bool() bool { switch v.ref { case valueTrue.ref: return true case valueFalse.ref: return false default: panic(&ValueError{"Value.Bool", v.Type()}) } } // Truthy returns the JavaScript "truthiness" of the value v. In JavaScript, // false, 0, "", null, undefined, and NaN are "falsy", and everything else is // "truthy". See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Glossary/Truthy. func (v Value) Truthy() bool { switch v.Type() { case TypeUndefined, TypeNull: return false case TypeBoolean: return v.Bool() case TypeNumber: return v.ref != valueNaN.ref && v.ref != valueZero.ref case TypeString: return v.String() != "" case TypeSymbol, TypeFunction, TypeObject: return true default: panic("bad type") } } // String returns the value v as a string. // String is a special case because of Go's String method convention. Unlike the other getters, // it does not panic if v's Type is not TypeString. Instead, it returns a string of the form "" // or "" where T is v's type and V is a string representation of v's value. func (v Value) String() string { switch v.Type() { case TypeString: return jsString(v) case TypeUndefined: return "" case TypeNull: return "" case TypeBoolean: return "" case TypeNumber: return "" case TypeSymbol: return "" case TypeObject: return "" case TypeFunction: return "" default: panic("bad type") } } func jsString(v Value) string { str, length := valuePrepareString(v.ref) runtime.KeepAlive(v) b := make([]byte, length) valueLoadString(str, b) finalizeRef(str) return string(b) } func valuePrepareString(v ref) (ref, int) func valueLoadString(v ref, b []byte) // InstanceOf reports whether v is an instance of type t according to JavaScript's instanceof operator. func (v Value) InstanceOf(t Value) bool { r := valueInstanceOf(v.ref, t.ref) runtime.KeepAlive(v) runtime.KeepAlive(t) return r } func valueInstanceOf(v ref, t ref) bool // A ValueError occurs when a Value method is invoked on // a Value that does not support it. Such cases are documented // in the description of each method. type ValueError struct { Method string Type Type } func (e *ValueError) Error() string { return "syscall/js: call of " + e.Method + " on " + e.Type.String() } // CopyBytesToGo copies bytes from src to dst. // It panics if src is not an Uint8Array or Uint8ClampedArray. // It returns the number of bytes copied, which will be the minimum of the lengths of src and dst. func CopyBytesToGo(dst []byte, src Value) int { n, ok := copyBytesToGo(dst, src.ref) runtime.KeepAlive(src) if !ok { panic("syscall/js: CopyBytesToGo: expected src to be an Uint8Array or Uint8ClampedArray") } return n } func copyBytesToGo(dst []byte, src ref) (int, bool) // CopyBytesToJS copies bytes from src to dst. // It panics if dst is not an Uint8Array or Uint8ClampedArray. // It returns the number of bytes copied, which will be the minimum of the lengths of src and dst. func CopyBytesToJS(dst Value, src []byte) int { n, ok := copyBytesToJS(dst.ref, src) runtime.KeepAlive(dst) if !ok { panic("syscall/js: CopyBytesToJS: expected dst to be an Uint8Array or Uint8ClampedArray") } return n } func copyBytesToJS(dst ref, src []byte) (int, bool)